Have you priced a Nikon D90??? HELLO!! To say I hope I win would be an understatement. :-) If you wish, head on over and sign up for the drawing. The deadline is TOMORROW, December 17th. Love,
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I feel as if I should introduce myself....
It's obviously been a long time since I posted last.Sorry about that.We'll have to see if I actually finish this post and publish it.I'm so far behind on things I have wanted to post about that I don't even know where to begin.This may end up looking like a hyperactive kid who's had WAY TOO MUCH CAFFEINE typed this.:-)It's going to bounce around all over the place.So, bear with me, okay?
I guess "first things first" - It's Christmas!!! If you've been here before you know how much I LOVE this time of year. There are many reasons why. Yes, I love the music, the lights, the decorations, the food, the smells, the colder weather, the movies... it's "magical". I don't know if a word has been invented to describe the feeling I have about Christmas. I do, indeed, act like a kid about Christmas.
I love decorating the tree, playing Christmas music and baking cookies. I love making or buying gifts for others, but that's not the main reason. My family and I celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ, as it should be. To celebrate and thank God for His gift to us. To celebrate that He came to earth in human form, to live among us, love and teach us. And give us a glimpse of our Heavenly Father. What an amazing gift.
It's true that it's not about the presents, and all of the "hoopla" (although I love the hoopla)... all of that's fine, as long as it doesn't take away from the REAL reason we celebrate Christmas.
This week I have read two blogs that speak about this very thing, and they blessed me so much I'll share them here.
This one was shared with me by several friends and really blessed me.
I have to admit that as this week has felt different even for me. Not in a bad way, just different. I've been looking past "tradition" and looking at doing things differently as a family.
First, I didn't put out all of the decorations. Don't get me wrong, we did a good bit, but it just didn't seem important to put out everything. And, I was totally okay with it. :-)
We did go on annual trip to Santa Land this year, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love driving through the park and seeing all of the lights and cut outs. There were some new things this year, and that's always exciting. It's a wonderful family experience that we have shared with both of the nephews. Seeing the looks on their faces and hearing their excitement when they point and shout, "Look at that!" :-)
But, the nephews are getting older, and I think some new experiences may be in order for our family. SO, I believe we'll save the Santa Land money (and a little more) and head to Grapevine, TX, "The Christmas Capital of the World" next year.
Doesn't that look awesome!! New family experiences; great photo opportunities, and the same "Christmas Magic".
On a totally different topic, I really hate that it's been so long since I have blogged. I use this as my way of "thinking out loud", and keeping up with people. Unfortunately, it is just so much easier to put out a quick "blurb" on facebook. That doesn't always allow me to say all I'd like to say though. But, then time and energy are factors and I end up not blogging. I'm definitely going to need to do better though.
In the last few months I have REALLY gotten into listening to Jason Crabb. I've seen them some on Gaither videos, etc. But, this last year I have taken time to really listen to his solo stuff, and I LOVE it!! There are two songs I play A LOT, and they're on youtube, so I'll post them here. (Family, if you're reading; $2 in the stocking to purchase these songs on amazon would be awesome. Please and Thank you.)
Both of these songs are such a blessing to me!!
I'm in the mood to create something and need a creative outlet. It's been a long time since I've painted or done any crafts. I'll have to work on that. :-)
However, my baking/cake decorating mood is getting satisfied now that it's Christmas. :-) LOVE that.
My sister, "J", has gone gluten-free. She can already see a major change in her health. She doesn't get sick after eating, which is a major plus, and doesn't seem to be as tired/fatigued as she usually was. It's been interesting finding out all about gluten-free stuff, and how VERY careful you have to be when you eat out, or prepare food at home. It truly must have NO contact with any gluten whatsoever. We are doing pretty good with it though. :-)
We have found MANY blogs/facebook pages/websites that have helped. Here's one It's amazing how much stuff has gluten. Things I never would have thought of. Like shampoo. Gluten is in more stuff than just food.
A friend shared a recipe with me recently that we LOVE. Well, most of us. I have no clue if it's gluten free, but it's awesome. Here's the recipe:
Cowboy Dip
2 8 oz packages of Cream Cheese 16 oz of Sour Cream 1 can or Mild or Original Rotel 1 can of HOT Rotel 1 lb. Mild Jimmy Dean sausage ( browned and drained) 1 lb. of HOT or SPICY Jimmy Dean sausage (browned and drained.)
Put everything in a crock pot on low and let it melt together. Enjoy with chips! :-)
Well, I guess that catches me up for now. :-) I will try to do better about blogging more regularly.