I'm requesting your help...
This pertains to a subject that I have blogged about before, and is very close to my heart.
My family and I have adopted soldiers in the past. This year, financially, we could only do one soldier. So, we adopted one, as a family. We send one care package a month, because postal charges do hurt. This is a petition to ask congress to allow citizens to send letters and care packages to our heroes for FREE.
My comments to my submission stressed that we could help more soldiers, or buy more supplies for our hero, if we didn't have to worry about the postage. That would also help the economy, because we would be purchasing more things.
I have never posted about a bill, or a petition before; and I don't see me doing it again. This one is important though, so I am posting it.
Please, click on the link provided, and sign the petition. Then, send the electronic letter to your Senators and Representatives. Finally, pass it on to your friends, or better yet, link back here on your blog. The more signatures we can get the more of our heroes we can help. :-)
Go here: www.rallycongress.com/...-soldiers/
Wendy Darling
Thank you :)
Done! :)
Thank you, Ladies! :-)
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